MVC 5 Attribute Routing Made Only Slightly Easier to Understand

MVC 5 Attribute Routing

I’m studying the Microsoft MVC 5 Framework.  As part of my study practice, I force myself to write an article on the subject of whatever module I happen to be on.  This helps me cement the idea in my own head while sharing my perspective on the lesson.
Hope this helps someone…..anyone. 😉
In the Model View Controller (MVC) framework, Routes determine which controller and method to execute for a specific URL.
A slightly easier way to state this is…  routes tie specific set of code to website URL.

New in MVC 5, Microsoft introduced a cleaner way to do custom routes
This is an example of the old way to do routes, you might see it somewhere on a project.
    new { controller = “Movies”, action=”ByReleaseDate”},
    new { year = @”2017|2018″, month = @”\d{2}” });
Controller code is not connected to the RouteConfig so if action name change is made in either one but not both, we have a big problem.
Instead of creating a messy RouteConfig file with lots of custom routes in it,  we can now add custom routes by adding an attribute to the corresponding action.
To enable attribute routing we have to add a line to the RouteConfig file.
// EnableAttribute Routing 

The entire file with new and old code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;

namespace Vidly
    public class RouteConfig
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            // Enable Attribute Routing 

                new { controller = “Movies”, action=”ByReleaseDate”},
                new { year = @”2017|2018″, month = @”\d{2}” });

                name: “Default”,
                url: “{controller}/{action}/{id}”,
                defaults: new { controller = “Home”, action = “Index”, id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Attribute Routes are added to the controller. In this case the MoviesController.cs file.
Example Attribute Route:
//Attribute Routes
[Route(“moives/released/{year}/{month:regex(\\d{2}):range(1, 12)}”)]
public ActionResult ByReleaseYear(int year, int month)
    return Content(year + “/” + month);


In the example above, the month has a regex applied to it to match a pattern.
Will accept  2 digits  \\d{2} and between a range of 1 to 12
There are other constraints we can apply that are supported by the framework

  • Min
  • Max
  • Minlength
  • Maxlength
  • Int
  • Float
  • Guid

Google the term, “ASP.NET MVC Attribute Route Constraints” and you’ll find lots of online resources to help you.

Author: Rick Cable / AKA Cyber Abyss

A 16 year US Navy Veteran with 25+ years experience in various IT Roles in the US Navy, Startups and Healthcare. Founder of in 1997 to present and co-founder of Sports Card Collector Software startup, LK2 Software 1999-2002. For last 7 years working as a full-stack developer supporting multiple agile teams and products in a large healthcare organization. Part-time Cyber Researcher, Aspiring Hacker, Lock Picker and OSINT enthusiast.

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