VBScript WMI: How to Get Computer Serial Number from Local or Remote Windows PC

This Windows WMI script using VBScript, retrieves the serial number of the local or networked computer.

To use this code, copy it in to a text file and save it with a .vbs file extension for VBScript. Once you have the .vbs file, double click on it and you should get a message box with the names of the logged in user on the specified Windows PC on your network.

Windows WMI VBScript

Function GetComputerSerialNumber(strComputer)
	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
		& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") 

	Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
		("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct",,48)
	For Each objComputer in colComputer
		GetComputerSerialNumber = objComputer.IdentifyingNumber
End Function

'strComputer = "XPS1234"
strComputer = "."

' Pass a . to run this on your own PC or add a string value for another on your network
call msgbox(GetComputerSerialNumber(strComputer))

Author: Rick Cable / AKA Cyber Abyss

A 16 year US Navy Veteran with 25+ years experience in various IT Roles in the US Navy, Startups and Healthcare. Founder of FinditClassifieds.com in 1997 to present and co-founder of Sports Card Collector Software startup, LK2 Software 1999-2002. For last 7 years working as a full-stack developer supporting multiple agile teams and products in a large healthcare organization. Part-time Cyber Researcher, Aspiring Hacker, Lock Picker and OSINT enthusiast.